Armenian Apostolic Church of Whitinsville


In order to provide ongoing programs and to continue to serve your needs, the church depends on its parishioners to give faithfully and with a joyful heart. Membership dues and stewardship donation compromise the largest portion of our church income, and they are vitally important to ensure that the church meets its financial obligations. To safeguard the future of Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, it is important that the church be supports by its faithful parishioners rather than relying on unpredictable outside sources and activities for financial security.

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Options for financial giving at Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church

  • Annual Membership Dues: Entitles members 18 years of age or older full church membership privileges, which include the right to vote at the annual parish membership meeting and to hold office in any of the executive bodies of the church.
  • Yearly Stewardship Pledge: For those who wish to contribute an optional amount in addition to the annual dues requirement, stewardship is the opportunity to return to God a portion of the gifts He bestows upon us.
  • Weekly Offering: Donations made during church services are allocated to our Humanitarian Fund.
  • Additional Donations: Given on special occasions.

In addition to financial giving, we are called by God to serve each other with our unique talents and abilities. As new members, we encourage you to share the gifts and interests that God has given you and participate in the life and activities of our church. Sharing the gift of ourselves is how we express our gratitude to our heavenly Father.

“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25-28

In conclusion, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a generous pledge to the church with regards to both time and money by completing and submitting the following two-page application. Together we can sustain and nurture our church and fulfill our Mission Statement:

“To know Christ and to make Christ known… through worship, fellowship, and service.”

If you have any questions about the church of the Membership/Stewardship Application, please feel free to contact the Pastor or church office.

Click here for the Membership form

Click here for the Stewardship form

Click here for the Stewardship and the 3 T’s form

Click here to visit our Membership donation page